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Volunteers needed

Hi there,I am volunteering with You Me Bum Bum Train (YMBBT). am posting this as we are looking for more volunteers.You Me Bum Bum Train is a world-famous immersive theatre experience that’s loved by so many. We’re gearing up for our next big show in Covent Garden this November, and I’m reaching out because we’d love for you to be part of the fun!We’re offering unpaid volunteer roles that give everyone a chance to dive into every aspect of immersive theatre – from prop-making and set building to performing, stage management, production, admin, lighting and sound. There’s also free training and certification from industry pros, so it’s a fantastic way to gain real-world experience and skills that could lead to jobs in the theatre/creative industry. Many of our past volunteers have landed roles based on what they’ve learned with us.YMBBT is a non-profit, volunteer-led project – it’s all about community and creativity. We work with volunteers  from all walks of life (ages 8 to 80!), and we’d love for you to get involved. People say it’s an “exhilarating, life-changing experience” for everyone who takes part – whether they’re on stage or behind the scenes.Our last show in 2015 was a massive hit – tickets were in higher demand than Glastonbury, with over 120,000 people applying in the first minute! If this sounds like something you would enjoy you can sign up here: can also send you a pdf one pager and The Times review from last time.Or please email me for further thanks, Alie

Alie Griffiths ● 34d0 Comments ● 34d

Hogarth Roundabout - more congestion in Chiswick - please email opposition to TfL's proposals

Hello everyone. This is my first post on here, as it's not my kind of thing usually, but I am astonished at TfL's proposals for Hogarth Roundabout. Sorry if I’m a little late to the party, but my bone of contention is not Church Road (I'll mention it briefly below), but the "Advance Stop Lines" that TfL is proposing on all entrances to the roundabout - these will slow the flow of traffic through the roundabout and cause more congestion on Chiswick Lane (when you try to leave Chiswick) and on the A316 (when you are trying to get home).What is an "Advance Stop Line"?   It's the white box at the front of the traffic lights with a bicycle painted in it that allows cyclists to pull away ahead of cars. I quite like them when I am cycling - in some places they really do improve safety. But they won't on Hogarth Roundabout!Why? Because no cyclists will use them! I cycle this area frequently and every cyclist I have ever seen leaves Chiswick Lane, or the A316, and passes under the roundabout through the underpass (or they use one of the several other underpasses both east and west of the roundabout. So why has TfL put them in its design?  For goodness sake, they have even put Advance Stop Lines in their design across 3 and 4 lanes of the A4! The A4 has a combined cyclepath/pavement along each side of it, which I use regularly - I have never - in decades - seen a cyclist on the main carriageway. What on earth are TfL thinking - it's ideology gone mad!Instead, what these Advance Stop Lines will do is reduce the flow of traffic through the roundabout in each light phase as cars, vans, motorbikes will have further to travel before they reach the roundabout. This will cause more congestion on Chiswick Lane and the A316 in particular.  Chiswick Lane is already frequently backed up to the High Road; the A316 backs up past Cavendish and Chiswick schools frequently. What TfL proposes will only make getting out of Chiswick even worse, and pour even more pollutants into these school sites.  Frankly, I think it's one of the most stupid things I have ever seen a government propose (and after the last lot that takes something!).  TfL is actually going to spend money on something that will never be used and overall make things worse!So, please send a short email to TfL ( opposing their plans to put "Advance Stop Lines" on Hogarth Roundabout.Thank you. I hope I don't attract the opprobrium of the cycling lobby who seem to lurk on these pages, but surely even they use the underpass too?!As for Church Street, I can't see why they can't add a fourth lane to the A4 turning left into the A316 and still have a direct access and exit from Church Street.  TfL's proposal seems dangerous to me - anyone turning into the new Church Road entrance will stop or slow all traffic on the A316 (which it doesn't presently), which will then back up onto the roundabout - the most dangerous part of Hogarth Roundabout in my view is when traffic queueing to reach the A316 forces eastbound A4 traffic down to 2 lanes on the roundabout - that's quite scary and will potentially be worse with the TfL proposal.And for what it's worth - why are they adding more cycle parking and benches? Are they expecting the roundabout to become a destination?! Put the benches in and the cycle parking near Chiswick House please and stop wasting money!Honestly, I don't know what's going on at TfL - maybe they gave this one to the summer intern to do!

Nigel Williams ● 47d32 Comments ● 35d

Children in ULEZ more likely to walk or cycle

A new study has been published which finds that children living in ULEZ are twice as likely to switch to walking and cycling to school and being advantaged by the resulting health benefits.  A few excerpts from the summary: "Among children who took inactive modes at baseline, 42% of children in London and 20% of children in Luton switched to active modes."
"Implementation of clean air zones can increase uptake of active travel to school and was particularly associated with more sustainable and active travel in children living further from school."
"Motorised vehicle use negatively impacts health throughout life, influencing children's physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and contributing to diseases like childhood asthma linked to air pollution. Regular physical activity, crucial for children's healthy growth and mental well-being [1, 2], also plays a vital role in preventing the development of obesity [3], prevalent in 23% of children aged 10–11 in 2022 [4]." As motorised vehicle use negatively impact health throughout life it is never too late for anybody to switch to more active modes and get healthier so think about that next time you jump in the car and drive less than two miles to the shops or to drop your kids at school. And definitely think about the negative impact on your kids of driving them around Chiswick.  For some strange reason this study is driving right wing commentators and their dimwitted followers a bit loopy on the internet but I am sure the people of Chiswick are not so fragile ...

Paul Campbell ● 43d45 Comments ● 38d