Tony Colman MP for Putney writes

Household recycling, Wandsworth Art Festival plus wider world issues.

I would like to add my condolences to those of Eddie Lister at the passing last month of Mary Holben. In Putney we are fortunate to have so many people like Mary who served local residents so well for so many years.

I was pleased to hear that my predecessor (no, not David Mellor!), Lord Hugh Jenkins is up and about again after his recent hospital stay. Hugh is of course 95 years old and still takes an interest in Putney and Parliamentary business.

I also welcome Eddie Lister's support on the campaign to stop the Third Runway at Heathrow: at the Labour Party Conference I met with B.A.A. again to stress my total opposition to expansion.

The Wider World

I have concentrated to date in this Putney Diary on local issues. But as I was reminded on my recent visit to the ADT College, local and international issues interlink - at the reception to the college the board lists the current time in London, New York, Madrid, Bahrain and Tokyo. I am very interested in World Affairs and as a Parliamentarian I have been involved in a number of issues:

" Trade Justice: I have tracked the negotiations at the World Trade Organisation.
" Arms Trade: I serve on the Select Committee on Strategic Arms Control and press the Government for strong oversight powers. I also back the Oxfam Campaign against small arms proliferation.
" Weapons of Mass Destruction: the Nuclear Safeguards Act of 1999, based partly on an earlier private members bill of mine which failed through lack of parliamentary time, gives the UN the right to inspect anywhere in the UK (and any other signatory country). I continue to work on compliance on Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons.
" International Development Committee: This week I have been in Israel and Palestine - and I serve on a Committee (chaired by Ann Clywd) to continue to check on progress in Iraq.

If any individuals want to contact me to talk about these and other world issues please do so. I spend the vast majority of my time in Putney, but as with my service in Northern Ireland (1998-2000), I hope that Putney residents agree that work on these (and other) international issues is helpful in dealing with their concerns. Certainly Hugh Jenkins agrees!

Wandsworth Arts Festival

On a more local note I would like to recommend the Wandsworth Arts Festival. There are many excellent events taking place at venues such as the new National Opera Studio on Wandsworth High Street ( and Putney Arts Theatre ( I hope that local residents will enjoy them.

Household Waste Recycling Bill

I am delighted to report that the Household Waste Recycling Bill has successfully completed all its stages with government support and awaits Royal Assent. The Bill places a duty on local authorities to collect from every household at least two waste streams, for recycling or composting, from the point where rubbish is currently collected. This must be done by 2010.

Tony Colman MP

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October 22nd, 2003

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