What happened in Putney during Novemeber 2005
All these items appeared in our weekly newsletters during this month - if you like to receive it click here
* Night Flights *
Cllr Lister accuses Labour MP's of voting for increased Night Flights
Cllr King responds to the accusation
and blames Tory Council of making Night Flights a political football
* New focus for TB vaccination in the Borough *
as PCT takes selective immunisation of people most at risk
* Crime Statistics & publicity *
The Borough Commander answers your questions
* Mobile phone masts, Putney Hospital site and much more *
the Leader of the Council writes to Putney
* Less evening courses in the future? *
blame Government cuts say the Council http://www.putneysw15.com/default.asp?section=info&spage=common/conevcourse01.htm
* South Thames College Student goes missing *
Police appeal for help http://www.putneysw15.com/default.asp?section=info&spage=common/conmissingwands01.htm
* Job cuts could result in Christmas tube strikes *
Goodwill thin on the ground between Metronet and Unions
* Police seek man *
accused of sexual assault of a fifteen year old on a bus
* Putney Hospital site - 300 turn up for public meeting *
feedback from the Council
* New Primary Special Needs department for Paddock School *
Following the backing of #23 million plan from DfES http://www.putneysw15.com/default.asp?section=info&spage=common/conpaddock01.htm
* Tube Line closures this weekend *
with limited services on the District & Circle Line http://www.putneysw15.com/default.asp?section=info&spage=common/contube07.htm
*Maison Blanc voted Putney's Shop of the Month *
* Labour members pick Flanagan *
to contest Council Elections in May 2006
* Sick of sitting in a jam on Roehampton Lane?*
Labour Councillors from Roehampton want you to sign their petition http://www.PutneySW15.com/info/conlabour02.htm
* 6/10 pupils gets Secondary School of choice *
following the introduction of a new London-wide admissions system.
* Meet the Wandsworth Police Missing Persons Team *
as they prepare for one of the busiest times in their professional year
* City Bonuses Drive Putney House Price Rise *
Average home in SW15 now costs over 400,000 pounds
* Is our shopping centre in chronic decline? *
Adam Gray of Labour attacks state of Putney High Street
* Local charity VSO to host two exhibitions *
Putting AIDS and Disability on the agenda in Putney
* Who Got Late Night Licenses in Putney? *
A list of extended drinking hours in the local area
* Local School Ranks Top in the Country *
Our Lady of Victories achieves a perfect score
* Del Buongustaio Bites the Dust *
Popular local restaurant appears to have closed down
* Local chef appeals to green fingered residents *
Roger Brook of the Phoenix Bar & Grill wants your veg
* DfES backs £23m special schools plan *
allowing Paddock School to open new primary department
* Stop the knives *
A call from Wandsworth Police for blades to be handed in
If you feel there is a aspect of local life that we haven't given sufficient
coverage to, let us know.
Most of the articles listed above were not written by us but contributed
by local people.