Our Lady of Victories achieves a perfect score
Local state primary school has been ranked as one of the best schools in the country in a survey by a national newspaper.
The school was one of only 4 to have achieved 100% in aggregate marks for reaching level 4 of Key Stage 2 over the last three years. The results were collated for the Sunday Times' 'Parent Power survey. Pupils are tested in their final year at the school in English, Maths and Science and Key Stage 2, Level 4 represents the expected level of achievement for a child of this age.
The school was also recently featured in an article in another paper in which it was claimed that living in proximity to the school could add £60,000 to the value of your house. However, parents at the school pointed out that, as the catchment area covered the whole of the local parish this was unlikely.
The junior school at Putney High also ranked highly in the 'Parent Power' survey with a score of 827 for aggregate marks over the last three years at Key Stage 2 level 5. This ranked it as fifth highest in the country just one place behind Bute House School in Hammersmith.
November 25, 2005