"..eight of the ten local schools delivering better results than in the previous year."

with the local state sector achieveing a five-point rise at GCSE

At GCSE the proportion of students achieving five or more higher grades, including English and maths, was 46.9 per cent. This compares with 41.8 per cent in 2006 and is above the national average of 46.7 per cent.

Three local schools – Battersea Technology College, Chestnut Grove and Southfields - are in the top five per cent in the country for their all-round effectiveness.


Over the last three years results at Battersea Technology College have risen by 21 points in the A-C grades. Chestnut Grove and Southfields recorded a 19 point improvement over this period while other schools making good progress were Ernest Bevin (up 13 points), Elliott (up 11 points) and Salesian (up 7 points).  


The effectiveness rating includes the Government's 'contextual value added' measure (CVA). This rates schools' performance against a number of social factors including deprivation and pupil mobility. This ranking, which links to students' progress between ages 11 and 16, places Wandsworth in the top ten authorities in the country.

The highest score in the 2007 results was achieved by Graveney where 82 per cent of students obtained five or more A-C passes. At Burntwood the success rate was 63 per cent and 59 per cent at the Ashcroft Academy.


Executive member for children's services Kathy Tracey said:


"The all-round picture is highly encouraging with eight of the ten local schools delivering better results than in the previous year. It means that across the borough the success rate at GCSE is ahead of the national average.


"The performance of Graveney stands out while those schools that have come out well in the value added scores also deserves immense credit. This measure shows just how hard schools are working to help all students achieve their potential."


The proportion of students achieving five or more higher grade passes, including English and maths, at local state schools were:
Ashcroft Academy (59 per cent);
Battersea Technology College (33 per cent);
Burntwood School (63 per cent);
Chestnut Grove (40 per cent);
Elliott School (44 per cent);
Ernest Bevin College (37 per cent);
Graveney School (82 per cent);
John Paul II (20 per cent);
Salesian College (33 per cent);
Southfields (37 per cent).

School GCSE Point Score Value Added % 5+ A*-C
passes at GCSE/GNVQ
A/AS level
Average Point Score
7 6 5 5 7 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 4
Elliot School Comp M 336.8 311.1 301.7 960 54 45 43 37 37 255.7 242.1
Emanuel Ind M 423.6 420.0 414.9 1038 97 93 96 95 91 302 269 281.1
Godolphin and Latymer Ind G 419.6 443.1 494.1 1046 99 98 98 99 99 396 404.3 395.0
Hampton School Ind B 470.4 520.9 508.7 1043 99 99 99 99 99 458.2 470.8
Ibstock Place Ind M 468.5 469.0 487.4 1072 99 97 96 100 93 - -
King's College Wimbledon Ind B 515.1 563.0 518.5 - 100 99 99 99 99 445 387.7 399.1
Kingston Grammar Ind M 493.1 519.7 513.1 1037 100 100 98 100 98 361 361.7 356.9
Lady Eleanor Holles Ind G 503.4 505.6 571.0 - 100 100 100 100 100 397 478.3 488.5
Lady Margaret School CofE G 447.0 458.5 457.3 1032 93 100 98 99 84 356.6 326.8
Latymer Upper Ind M 512.4 524.0 505.1 1044 99 100 100 100 100 411 396.4 393.0
Putney High Ind G 519.8 516.0 521.4 - 100 99 98 100 100 395 377 373.0
Putney Park Ind G 417.3 425.0 411.8 1051 90 83 100 91 93 - -
Sacred Heart HS RC G 505.9 500.3 480.1 1025 94 99 91 98 86 - -
St. Paul's School Ind B 542.0 603.5 601.3 1063 100 100 100 100 99 445 444.7 443.7
St. Paul's Girls Ind G 546.0 539.8 558.9 1050 100 100 100 100 99 443 447.9 441.4
The Harrodian Ind M 450.7 431.1 470.7 - 94 88 74 79 94 275.5 227.0
Tiffin Boys Sel B 564.6 560.6 552.3 1026 100 100 99 100 100 399.8 433.0
Tiffin Girls Sel G 546.1 543.7 542.0 1054 100 100 100 99 100 440.7 382.7
Wimbledon High School Ind G 515.6 539.0 558.1 1060 100 97 100 100 100 391 390.1 396.2
LEA Ave (Wandsworth) - - 376.2 366.8 357.2 995 61.2 58.1 54.2 49.1 49.8 220.9 212.9
National - - 378.1 365.0 355.1 - 62.0 58.5 56.3 53.7 52.9 277.6 269.2