What happened in Putney August 2006?

What happened in Putney during August 2006

All these items appeared in our weekly newsletters during this month - if you like to receive it click here

* Blunt message on knife crime has positive results *
Police amnesty sees hundreds of knives surrendered

* Putney man charged with armed robbery *
in court on Thursday with colleague

* New Meet & Greet service *
at Queen Mary's Hospital starts in August

* Wandsworth Council puts pressure on Thames Water *
joining forces with five other boroughs

* Safer streets tackle youth crime *
as the community & officers share information

* Tea for two or three or four or more *
Contact the Elderly are looking for local volunteers to help reach the elderly of Putney http://www.putneysw15.com/info/concte01.htm

* Coal hole burglar in town *
Police warn of latest access point

* Crash bang wallop *
extension on Southfields home collapses

* Thames Water - Tell them what you think *
Council launches an line site to increase pressure on Thames Water to improve their services

* Police warn of latest distraction burglars *
As men pose as water board employees

* Putney man on bail bail following "Royal Phone Tap" *
charged with intercepting phone messages

* Blunt message on knife crime has positive results *
Police amnesty sees hundreds of knives surrendered

* is this another cash for houses scandal brewing? *

If you feel there is a aspect of local life that we haven't given sufficient coverage to, let us know. Most of the articles listed above were not written by us but contributed by local people.

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