Mega Skips Credited with Reducing Fly-tipping

Council say incidents are down by 16% over two years

320 tonnes of waste has been collected in Mega Skips in Wandsworth
320 tonnes of waste has been collected in Mega Skips in Wandsworth

May 28, 2024

Wandsworth Council says that its policy of having free disposal of larger items in Mega Skips has resulted in a significant reduction in fly-tipping in the borough.

It claims that, along with tougher enforcement, incidents have fallen by 16 per cent over the last two years.

To combat illegal dumping and improve waste management, the council launched the Cleaner Borough Plan, which includes the provision of these large skips. They have been provided in neighbourhoods across Wandsworth giving residents with a convenient way to dispose of bulky waste. So far, they have collected 320 tonnes of waste.

Additionally, the council has stepped up its enforcement actions against fly-tipping with higher fines for offenders.

Cllr Judi Gasser, Cabinet Member for Environment said, "We are thrilled to see a 16 percent reduction in fly-tipping in Wandsworth. This achievement is a testament to the effectiveness of our free Mega Skips and the hard work of our enforcement teams. By providing residents with accessible waste disposal options and taking a firm stance against fly-tipping, we are making Wandsworth a cleaner and more pleasant place to live. I want to thank our community for their cooperation and commitment to keeping our borough beautiful."

Cllr Jo Rigby, Wandsworth Council’s new High Streets Champion who personally tracked down and visited a flytipper at home last weekend, said: “We’re serious about tackling fly-tipping in Wandsworth and are working together with local residents to ensure a proper understanding of how different types of waste should be disposed of. Good public information, the provision of Mega Skips, and tough enforcement action are key to ensuring we keep Wandsworth clean for everyone to enjoy.”

The council’s plan includes a new food waste service starting from Monday 10 June, guaranteeing weekly household waste collections, kerbside small electrical collections and lorries that run on biofuel.

See more information about the Cleaner Borough Plan and about food waste collections.

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