Rollout of Food Waste Collection Across Borough To Begin

Caddies to be delivered soon with service starting in June

New bin lorries are also about to be brought into service in Wandsworth
New bin lorries are also about to be brought into service in Wandsworth

March 22, 2024

The process of introducing food waste collections across Wandsworth Borough has begun with all households set to be getting the service by the end of the year.

The initial phase will see 80,000 houses having food bins added to their weekly collections with the service extended to flats by the end of the year.

Your household will be included in the initial phase if you have with enough space at the front of your property for a food waste caddy, for example a front garden or driveway. Residents will get their food waste caddies delivered between 8 April and 7 June. Collections will start from the week beginning 10 June, on collection day.

This is just part of a range of measures to boost recycling in the borough as Councillor Judi Gasser, Cabinet Member for Environment, explain, “We are writing to all 80,000 households that are eligible for food waste collections, during March, to share the details of the new service.

“We are also increasing investment in our recycling services whilst we guarantee your weekly rubbish collections.

“Small electrical collections will also start in the summer for most households, and residents in flats will be able to make use of new, recycling collection points across the borough which are being installed throughout March.

“We are replacing our fleet of rubbish and recycling trucks with new ones that will run on a bio-fuel, known as hydrotreated vegetable oil, that will lead to a 90 per cent reduction in carbon emissions.”


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