Study Shows Wandsworth Residents £8,600 Better Off Than Other Londoners

Research into 20 years of council tax

Council officers analysed data on the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) website of council tax bills across the capital over the past 20 years. Their results show that Wandsworth residents have been left with an extra £8,600 in their pockets compared to other Londoners.

Research into London’s council tax bills since the levy was first introduced reveals that residents who living in a Band D property in Wandsworth are £8,597 better off than if they lived in other parts of the city.

The study compares Wandsworth’s Band D bills since 1993 with the average charge across London. The borough’s bill this financial year is £682, compared to a London average of more than £1,300.

Council leader Ravi Govindia said: “Residents of the borough have always appreciated and understood that they receive really excellent value for money services from their town hall. Now we are able to quantify precisely in cash terms what this extra value for money represents.

He continued: “Residents in a typical Band D property in Wandsworth are more than £8,500 better off than relatives, friends and colleagues who live in other parts of London. In these hard pressed times, this is really important for local people, especially those struggling on low incomes. By paying such close attention to spending we have been able to keep Wandsworth’s average council tax bills the UK’s lowest ever year since 1993 and ensured that the financial burden on local families has been kept to the absolute minimum.”

The council takes prides that as well as the lowest council, tax bills, Wandsworth residents receive some of the best town hall services in the country. Over the past decade, statutory inspections by a range of external watchdog organisations, including Ofsted and the Audit Commission, have consistently given the council an “excellent” rating.

People can see for themselves how the council is currently performing by visiting As well as the performance indicators, this section of the council’s website also shows details of all town hall spending over £500. This will enable residents to see for themselves if the council is offering taxpayers good value for money.

June 15, 2012