Brentford and Isleworth CLP vote to support Jeremy Corbyn
Momentum, the pro-Jeremy Corbyn group in Hounslow, has responded to MP Ruth Cadbury's criticisms of Mr Corbyn and her statement that she will be supporting Owen Smith in the leadership bid.
On Wednesday, members of Brentford and Isleworth constituency Labour Party voted by 2:1 to support Corbyn in the Labour leadership contest. Despite being unable to attend the meeting, local MP Ruth Cadbury has made it clear to members in an email that she will be supporting Owen Smith and has criticised Jeremy Corbyn for undermining the shadow cabinet.
Recently Ruth Cadbury said that she had voted against Mr. Corbyn in the 'no confidence motion' of the Parliamentary Party and doubted his ability to lead Labour into Government.
Salman Shaheen of Momentum - Hounslow responded:
“Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party with the biggest ever mandate a year ago and he will be elected again with an equally commanding mandate this year.
Our MP Ruth Cadbury, however, makes it clear that this is not enough for her or for the members of the shadow cabinet who resigned.
"Cadbury has many admirable principles and commendably shares Corbyn's anti-war, anti-Trident stance. However on this issue, she is wrong.
"Party membership has more than doubled under Corbyn, and despite Cadbury's fears, Labour's electoral record under his leadership has been impressive, winning numerous by-elections with an increased share of the vote and recapturing the London mayoralty, among other victories.
"That Labour in recent weeks has taken a hit in the polls is hardly surprising when MPs have plunged the party into civil war rather than focusing their energies on fighting the Tories at a time of national crisis. This has gifted Theresa May an extended honeymoon period when the opposition should be united in holding the new prime minister to account."
August 8, 2016