Local MP Praises German Ruling On Night Flights

Mary Macleod says it will encourage those looking for similar policy at Heathrow

Local MP Mary Macleod has praised the decision by German authorities to ban night flights at Frankfurt airport. The ruling, which will see the suspension of all night flights at the airport, has been championed by local campaigners who long fought for the ban. Mary commented, “The decision to ban night flights in one of Europe’s biggest airports will be encouraging for those looking for a similar policy at Heathrow. I have long campaigned for an end to night flights and this recent development shows what can be achieved.”

The decision will see all 17 flights that take off or land at Frankfurt airport at night either cancelled or moved. Heathrow airport is currently allowed an average of 16 flights to take off or land between 11:30pm and 6am. Mary added, “Heathrow is a vital part of our economy but I also believe that the quality of life for the many thousands who live under the flight path needs to be given greater consideration. We have seen a major campaign in recent weeks seeking to convince people that the future of the British economy rests in the expansion of Heathrow airport. I dispute this and will continue to campaign against a third runway curtailing night flights.”


April 18, 2012