Deadline Looms For Local Plan Comments

The document will shape development across the borough

The key document that will shape development in the borough for the next 15 years is being drafted by Hounslow Council this year and residents are being encouraged to get their comments to Hounslow planners by the deadline of Tuesday (22nd) at 5pm.

Labour’s Ruth Cadbury, herself a town planner, has had many comments from local residents about changes occurring in the area.

“People are understandably concerned that new housing developments will put further pressure on schools, doctors surgeries and traffic” she said. “While they want to know there will be homes and jobs for their children locally, many worry that the level of proposed changes may be unsustainable.

"On the other hand, many know that new development provides opportunities for improvements such as increasing capacity and accessibility at stations, and more buses. I would therefore urge residents to get on the Hounslow web-site, or to the library, and get their comments in by the Tuesday deadline”.

The information about Hounslow’s Local Plan submission can be found here:_

April 18, 2014