Still a few weeks left to respond
As part of ambitious plans to regenerate Hounslow town centre, the Council is embarking on an exciting project to renew Hounslow High Street. The £2.75 million project is funded through the Mayor of London’s Outer London Fund and by Hounslow Council.
The renewal of the High Street aims to serve as a catalyst for change, to attract investment and to improve the range of shops, services and entertainment in the town centre. The project will see new paving, lighting, seating and street trees in the pedestrian part of the High Street. It will also provide public spaces for socialising and events. A design team led by David Kohn Architects has drawn up concept design proposals, which are open for consultation until 18 January 2013.
Construction will be undertaken by Hounslow Highways, who are upgrading streets throughout the borough over the next 25 years. Works on Hounslow High Street are due to take place from April to November 2013 and from January to March 2014.
The concept design proposals are available for you to view and comment on in two ways:
On the consultation website: (Minimum browser versions to view the site are Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 12 or Chrome 22).
At a stall on the High Street - at the eastern entrance to the Treaty Centre, next to Jessops. The design team will be there to explain the concept design proposals, respond to questions and encourage people to express their views via a questionnaire. The stall is open as follows:
19th December - 11am to 4pm
20th December - 2pm to 7pm
The scheme will be developed in light of the results of consultation and we would welcome your views on the proposals.
If you would like sign up to the Hounslow town centre e-newsletter, email
February 6, 2013