10% off cost of service if you sign up before end of the month
Hounslow Borough residents can get 10% off the cost of the garden waste collection service for this year if they sign up before the end of the month.
Residents need to sign up at www.hounslow.gov.uk/gardenwaste by midnight on 28 February 2018 to receive their discount on the cost of collections from 3 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, with a break of two weeks over the Christmas period.
The Council are also offering a free annual subscription to every 1,000th subscriber to the service. You will need to pay for the service online, and if you’re one of the winners they will provide a full refund.
The 10 per cent discounted garden waste collection service will cost £45.00 as opposed to £50. The cost to residents in receipt of Council Tax Reduction will be £22.50.
Councillor Amrit Mann, Deputy Leader of Hounslow Council, said, “Last year more than 18,000 residents signed up to the service and this year we are hoping more residents will follow.
“During 2017/18 our crews collected enough garden waste to fill two Olympic-sized swimming pools and that was all turned into compost. We need residents’ help to collect even more garden waste so we can drive up the borough’s recycling rates to 50 per cent by 2019, as we aim to make Hounslow cleaner and greener.”
The garden waste collection service will continue to be run by Lampton 360, the company wholly owned by Hounslow Council.
February 23, 2018