Hounslow wish to know whether you're getting enough chldcare
Residents who are a parent or carer of children aged from babies to 14 years and those with youngsters with disabilities up to 18 years, are being asked by Hounslow Council for their views on whether childcare in the borough is meeting their needs.
An online childcare demand survey will run until Friday 29 September 2017. People can submit their views at /Childcare_demand_survey_2017
Knowing what is going well and what could be improved in childcare services is important to the Council.
The information provided in the survey will support future planning to ensure that there is sufficient high quality childcare available in the places and at the times that parents and carers need it.
The Family Information Service (FIS) offers free information, advice and guidance on all aspects of family life to parents, carers, young people and anyone working with families in Hounslow with a child or young person aged 0-19
From September 2017 some working parents will be eligible for an additional 15 hours a week of free childcare.
The extra hours of childcare are aimed at making it easier for parents who work. All three and four year olds are already entitled to 15 hours of free early education and childcare a week and the additional 15 hours of free childcare is available for families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone-parent family).
The survey will specifically look at whether working parents would use the extra free childcare hours. The responses to the questions will help the Council plan provision across the borough. (Parents/Guardians can check their eligibility at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Councillor Tom Bruce, Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Youth Services, Hounslow Council said: “This annual survey is really important as it allows the council to identify any gaps in our provision and plan for future childcare needs.
“I would like to urge parents to take part in this survey as opportunities for children to access early years education will be improved even further from September 2017 when the new 30 hours free childcare for some three and four year olds commences.
“This will be another great step forward in giving children a great start to their school lives.
“The survey is completely anonymous and all answers will be kept confidential. You and your child cannot be identified.
“We appreciate your time and feedback and the survey should only take around 15-20 minutes to complete.”
The closing date for responses to the survey is Friday 29 September 2017. No responses received after this date can be considered by the Council.