Hounslow Council organises event to promote good practice
Landlords and letting agents from across the borough can find out about the latest developments in the sector at the council’s annual landlord conference.
The free event aims to promote good practice in the private rental sector, and is a great opportunity for landlords to meet council staff, regulators, housing associations, trade bodies and other industry professionals.
Speakers this year include David Salusbury, chairman of the National Landlords Association, and a speaker from the GLA talking about the forthcoming Green Deal refurbishment.
Delegates will also get to hear from Liberata about reforms of the benefits system.
Leader of the council, Jagdish Sharma, said:
“This is a great way for landlords to find out about developments in the industry, and meet experts who can help them.
“It’s a chance to hear from national experts in the industry, and find out about new initiatives and changes in the law that could affect you.”
Following the main speakers, there will be workshop programme and a range of exhibitors displaying advice, products and services.
The conference takes starts on Friday, 15 June at 9:00am in the Lampton Park Conference Centre, in the Civic Centre.
Spaces are limited so landlords or lettings agents who are interested in attending need to email landlords@hounslow.gov.uk or call 0208 583 3855 to reserve a space.
Car parking is not available at the event, but the Civic Centre is easily accessible by public transport, or a short walk from the car parks in Hounslow town centre.June 7, 2012