Call for an unofficial Big Picnic to celebrate Brentford Festival
The forum has had a vigorous debate about the recent announcement that Brentford Festival has been cancelled, with councillors and participants explaining their side of the story.
One suggestion made in the forum, which has stuck, is that people should visit Boston Manor Park on what was to be the day of the Brentford Festival (Sunday 2nd September) with a picnic and have fun anyway. Bring a blanket, some food and drink and have an afternoon of good old fashioned fun. Just please help with the litter-picking afterwards.
This would be done as a grassroots event, with no official status or organisation behind it. If the sun is shining then the picnic will be a really nice, informal and spontaneous opportunity for the community to get together after the summer break, maybe gathering from one o'clock onwards (just a suggestion, you understand).
Hounslow Chronicle are sending a photographer to Boston Manor Park this Saturday afternoon, 3rd March, for a photocall to promote the "Big Picnic" in September so if you could meet up by the cafe around 1.15pm for a 1.30pm photo this would help gain publicity.
If you'd like to express your views to the council please email Ruth Cadbury (Brentford Ward Councillor), Hamish Pringle (Assistant Director of Leisure and Cultural Services) and Pritam Grewal (Hounslow Councillor)
09 March 2011