Play set in 1665 is a black comedy about the Black Death
Barons Court Theatre is offering one of its most unusual productions this month - a black comedy about the Black Death.
Written by Christine Foster and produced by The 42nd Theatre Company, Four Thieves' Vinegar is set in London's Newgate Prison in 1665.
Matthias, an alchemist, has bankrupted himself trying to find a cure for the plague and has been thrown into prison for debt. There he is joined by Hannah, a garrulous widow, held for raising a riot, and young Jennet, who is sentenced to hang for theft. All three of them are busy plotting against each other in their efforts to escape when the pestilence arrives in the stone pits of Newgate.
Whilst the other inmates, believing they are doomed, indulge in debauchery and drunkenness, Matthias begs his reluctant cellmates to help him make his sure-fire remedy.
Unfortunately, the missing ingredient is gold – something they have no hope of obtaining without resorting to the only currencies they do have: sex, wit and lies.
Four Thieves’ Vinegar explores the behaviour of ordinary people in times of disaster and examines which elements of the human spirit remain indestructible, be it 350 years ago, or today.
Four Thieves' Vinegar runs daily till 26 March, excluding Monday 20 March, at 7.30pm, 6.30pm on Sundays.
TICKETS: £12 (£10 concessions). Sunday performances: Pay What You Can.
EMAIL BOOKINGS: Send details of performance and number of tickets required to Then pay for them, in cash, when you come to the performance.
Barons Court Theatre is at the Curtains Up pub in Comeragh Road, W14.
March 16, 2017