Ealing Matters wants people to have their say at early stage in process
A virtual public meeting organised by Ealing Matters is to be held on Zoom on Thursday 23 July from 7-9pm on the Ealing Local Plan.
Ealing Council has started work on its new Local Plan. Ealing Matters is keen for the people of Ealing to have their say at an early stage.
Each London borough has to produce a Local Plan outlining the long-term planning strategy for that area. Cllr Peter Mason, the Cabinet Member responsible for delivery of the new Local Plan will be participating. Members of the Local Development Plan Advisory Committee (LDPAC) may also attend.
Following a brief introduction by Cllr Mason and a summary of key issues by Ealing Matters, the main part of the meeting will be a discussion based on pre-submitted questions and comments on the night.
This is your opportunity to put your views to Cllr Mason and to raise your experiences, questions and concerns about the Local Plan.
Register for the meeting here.
July 16, 2020