Government takes money to give to failing trusts
Ealing’s health service faces potential cuts of £13 million over the next two years as the Government plans to take money from Ealing to subsidise failing NHS trusts in other parts of London. This is on top of £13 million that was taken from Ealing in 2006 and never returned despite assurances at the time. The Strategic Health Authority has decided to “top-slice” or cut 1.3% from Ealing’s PCT budget for two years in order deal with historic debts in other parts of London.
These cuts are happening across London where budgets for PCTs which have performed well will be drastically cut in order to subsidise those who have not.
Ealing Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Services & Health, Cllr Mark Reen, said the Government through the Strategic Health Authority was penalising Ealing for having an efficient and well-managed PCT, and that residents will feel the £26 million of cuts. He said:
“It is an outrage that the Government has now indicated the £13 million lent to it by Ealing in 2006 is unlikely to be returned. This sense of injustice is compounded by the additional requirement that Ealing NHS will be required to pay a potential further £13 million over the next two years to further prop up failed health trusts across the rest of London, particularly in South East London.
“This represents a genuine cut in funding from levels indicated earlier in the year and we believe represents a "tax" on the financial and managerial success of Ealing NHS, and "tax" on the healthcare system in Ealing as whole.
“Make no mistake; this decision will impact Ealing residents as the PCT is forced to make cuts. Ealing PCT has explained its responsibility to the collective initiative to address London’s financial challenges, and we respect their need to support that scheme. We know that the PCT will continue to do everything it can to mitigate the impact of this scheme on local residents, but there will be a limit to what we can expect the PCT to be able to do. It is time for the Government to make good its broken promises.”
December 23, 2008