In case you need reminding ...take care in the heat
London is expected to be hotter than Barcelona, Miami and even Rio with temperatures reaching 35C.
An average temperature of 30°C by day and 15°C overnight is considered high enough to trigger health warnings from the Met Office and Public Health England, especially if they are likely to last for at least two consecutive days.
Whilst it's undoubtedly hot, it's not actually the highest recorded because in August 2003, temperatures rose to 38C during a nine-day heatwave.
In a heatwave people may get dehydrated and bodies can overheat. This can cause heat exhaustion which can cause many symptoms including; headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness or cramps, pale skin and a high temperature. It is important if you start to feel unwell to seek medical advice as soon as possible or it could develop into heatstroke which can cause serious health problems.
Follow these simple steps to help you stay safe in the heat:
try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm
apply sunscreen of at least SPF15 with UVA protection regularly
wear UV sunglasses, preferably wraparound, to reduce UV exposure to the eyes
wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes and a hat
drink lots of cool drinks
turn off non-essential lights and electrical items as these generate heat
keep indoor areas cool by closing the curtains
open the windows at cooler times of the day and overnight when you can safely
take particular care to keep older people, young children and babies, and those with serious illnesses cool and hydrated
never leave babies, children or animals in a closed, parked vehicle.
Many members of the borough's Muslim community may be fasting during the current period of Ramadan. During this period of hot weather, it is important that anyone observing a fast drinks more water at each Iftar (the evening meal that ends the day's fast) and Suhoor (pre-dawn meal).
The NHS Choices website has more tips and advice to help keep a healthy fast.
Check the weather forecast and any high temperature health warnings
For more health advice, contact NHS Choices on 111 or NHS Online for information about heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
The heat won’t last long. Thunderstorms are predicted to strike parts of London in the afternoon, and temperatures will drop again on Thursday.
1st July 2015