First consultation event tomorrow (FRIDAY)
Ealing residents are being encouraged to have their say on NHS plans to change trauma and stroke treatment services across the capital.
The NHS estimates that concentrating services at a smaller number of specialist centres will save the lives of 100 people experiencing major trauma and 400 people suffering a stroke each year.
Under the proposals, which are currently out for consultation, Ealing residents suffering a stroke would be taken to a hyper-acute stroke unit at Charing Cross Hospital or Northwick Park Hospital, both estimated to be within a 30-minute ambulance journey. After three days, patients would be transferred to stroke units at those hospitals for care and rehabilitation. Ealing Hospital’s stroke unit would close.
Cabinet member for Adult Services and Health, Cllr Mark Reen said he was worried about the impact of such a decision on Ealing residents.
"I am very concerned about the impact of cutting Ealing hospital's stroke service on residents across the Borough, especially in central Ealing and Southal," he said.
Councillors from every borough, plus Essex County Council and the City of London, are taking part in a London-wide joint overview and scrutiny committee to look at the issue in more detail.
In Ealing the issue will also be considered at the Health, Housing and Adult Social Services Scrutiny Panel meeting on 26 March and NHS Ealing, formerly Ealing Primary Care Trust, is holding a health fair on 15 April.
And there will also be a specially arranged consultation event on Friday March 13. "Any local interested community and voluntary groups (including resident associations) are welcome!" said Jim Wong from Ealing CVS.
It is free, but booking is required for planning and access reasons.
Contact or tel: 020-8280-2233
Councillor Greg Stafford, who chairs Ealing’s Health, Housing and Adult Social Services Scrutiny Panel, is representing Ealing on the committee.
Councillor Stafford said: “I urge Ealing residents to find out about the detailed consultation proposals and respond to them before the 8 May deadline. We need to understand the impact of the proposals on local people and also on Ealing Hospital and ensure that we get the best possible deal for residents across the borough.”
Residents can view the full proposals and respond to the consultation at
Anyone with any views about the proposals can email and they will be passed on to Councillor Stafford.
Or write to:
Healthcare for London
For more information call freephone: 0808 238 5481
or fax: 0808 238 5480
or email:
Your comments will go directly to the independent assessors of the consultation, Ipsos MORI.
You can also request information in alternative formats including other languages, Braille, audio and easy-read, by calling the Freephone number above.
All questionnaires and comments must be received by 8 May
March 13, 2009