Be bathing suit ready for the summer
The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic has always specialised in fat reduction and body sculpting. Both minor-surgical and non-surgical options are available with our leading team of doctors, nurses and specialists. Our medical team is led by Dr Alan Kingdon who has performed over 15,000 cases.
What can I achieve from these treatments?
How is it done?
“Advanced Laser Lipolysis”: Tiny incisions are made through which the laser is introduced. This is used to break down the fat which can then be easily remove d by aspiration as an emulsion. The Laser is then re-introduced to break down any residual small amounts of fat and to stimulate skin contraction .The laser’s thermal effects on the skin lead to increased collagen production and shortening of existing collagen fibres. This means that we can achieve smoother results improving skin tone. You may exercise after 10 days.
VELASHAPE II cleverly combines infrared light, Bi-polar radio frequency and vacuum to target its energy to stimulate lymphatic drainage, contour, breakdown fat cells, circumferential reduction and tighten the skin. This non-surgical treatment is deeply therapeutic and comfortable. It can be carried out in 30 or 60 minute sessions that easily fit into your weekly routine. A treatment plan can be designed for you upon consultation. There is zero downtime to this treatment.
We are currently offering £250 off Advanced Laser Lipolysis, including 1 free VELASHAPE II treatment. To book a complimentary consultation please contact us on 020 8747 4746. You can also visit for more information.
Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
March 15, 2012