(WISH) to provide a less fragmented service with easier access and longer opening hours
The new Wandsworth Integrated Sexual Health Service (WISH) launches on January 9, is run by St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The council, which commissions WISH services for its residents, has been involved in drawing up the changes and engaging with local service users.
WISH will provide a range of services including, but not limited to:
* Testing and managing sexually transmitted infections
* Emergency and ongoing contraception
* Rapid HIV testing
* Referral for termination of pregnancy C-card registration and free condoms
* HIV post sexual exposure treatment (PEP)
In addition, the service will offer a range of specialist services including long-acting contraception, young people’s and gay men’s clinics, psychosexual therapy and a dedicated service for people with learning disabilities.
There are WISH clinics in Tooting, Roehampton and Battersea at the following locations;
The Courtyard Clinic, St George’s Hospital, Tooting. This clinic offers a comprehensive sexual health and contraception service and manages complex sexual health issues.
2) Roehampton Clinic in Queen Mary’s Hospital - offering a routine sexual health and contraception service which are led by a nursing team.
Doddington Health Centre in Battersea - offering a routine sexual health and contraception service which are led by a nursing team.
Get more information and details about how to access the new WISH service
January 2, 2017