Increased dissatisfaction despite huge investment
New figures published by the Department for Transport revealed that overall satisfaction ratings for buses by Londoners has fallen.
The rating has fallen by two points to 77/100, compared with 83/100 for other Metropolitan areas. London's ratings are pulling down the national average.
Although London Buses scored record highs in the previous quarter,they have dropped back in several categories. London Buses are worse now on levels of crowding, speed and safety and security. The lowest scores are on the condition of buses and staff service.
Lynne Featherstone, a Lib. Dem. representative on the GLA said, "This comes as no surprise when my postbag is overflowing with complaints about filthy buses covered in graffiti and poor bus driver behaviour. We know bus drivers have a difficult and challenging job, and many do it well, but Londoners are not satisfied, and standards have to improve."
The numbers will come as a disappointment following a massive financial commitment made by Mayor Ken Livingstone to the bus fleet. Bus use is increasing in London and usage is at historically high levels thanks to a sharp increase in the regularity of many services. However the increased disatisfaction with the service comes before the increase in fares recently announced by the Mayor.
October 20, 2004