#ItStartsWithYou Campaign Launches in Wandsworth

Healthwatch Wandsworth encourages residents to share their experiences

Do health and social care services in Wandsworth know what you think? Healthwatch wants thousands more stories from people who use services.

Run by the independent health and care champion Healthwatch, the #ItStartsWithYou campaign returns for a second year. As the NHS is celebrating its 70th Birthday, the campaign highlights the difference that people are already making to health and social care services by sharing their experiences and encourages more people to have their say about their experiences of health AND social care.

Tell Healthwatch about your experiences by completing a short survey and help them better understand how local services are working for people in Wandsworth so that they can make sure your views are heard by health and care decision makers. If you complete the survey and sign up to become a healthwatch member during July 2018, you will be entered into a prize draw with the chance to win a high street shopping voucher.

You can complete the survey online or contact Healthwatch by phone or email.

Join in on 19th September 2018 and be part of the discussion about how health and care services can better know what you think. This will be one of four events held this year discussing important local health and care topics, where local people can hear from, and speak to, local decision makers to influence local services.

Find out more about Healthwatch and theor work throughout 2017-8 in their new annual report.
Highlights include:
• They spoke to over 1000 people in the community in 2017-8 and attended over 70 local events.
• Last year they spoke to patients on some of the senior health wards at St George's hospital and, based on their feedback, made a number of recommendations for improvement, including support at mealtimes.
• Over 65 local people contacted them by phone or email. Helping them to navigate the health and social care system by guiding them to the information they need.

A local organisation told Healthwatch:
‘[Our organisation] referred a client to HWW with an issue surrounding his health. A month later the client confirmed to have received full support and was doing well’

Imelda Redmond, National Director of Healthwatch England, said:
"However big or small the issue, Healthwatch wants to hear about it from you. If it’s important to one person, it’s very likely that it affects other people, too. By sharing your story you can help doctors, dentists, hospitals and care homes understand what’s working and what could be better, for you and your community.

"It’s heartening to see a growing culture of people sharing their experiences. It might just feel like your story, but if it matters to you, it matters to us, and it really can make a difference”

Healthwatch Wandsworth Chair, Dr Clive Norris said: “This is all about making your local health and social care services even better. So please tell us what's going well and suggest what might be done differently”

July 2, 2018