Report shows increased risk of heart attacks, strokes & dementia
A new report by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) concludes that exposure to night-time aircraft noise increases the risk of serious health problems including heart attacks, strokes and dementia.
The document is to be considered as part of a Government consultation on the rules governing night flights at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports.
It is the first time the national aviation regulator has put forward evidence on the health impacts of aircraft noise.
The report draws together a wide range of research from across the UK and Europe. In its conclusion the CAA confirms that:
• Average night-time aircraft noise levels above 55 decibels result in increased risk of heart attacks.*
• Average night-time aircraft noise levels above 45 decibels result in increased risk of high blood pressure, and this can lead to hypertensive strokes and dementia.*
* Average night-time aircraft noise (Lnight) is calculated over an 8 hour period. Extracts from the CAA report conclusion are as follows:
• Levels above 55 dB Lnight result in increased risk of myocardial infarctions…
• Levels above 45 dB Lnight result in increased risk of hypertension, and this can lead to hypertensive strokes and dementia…
An extract (Page 49) from the Department for Transport’s Aviation Framework Consultation 2012 reads:
"4.5 Whilst noise is a concern at all airports, Heathrow Airport accounts for approximately 70 per cent of people in the UK exposed to average noise from airports above 55 decibels. More than one in four people exposed to this level of noise around European airports lives near Heathrow. In fact, by this measure, Heathrow’s noise impact easily exceeds the combined impact of all the other hub airports in Western Europe, despite each having approximately similar numbers of movements."
The existing night flights regime for Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted comes to an end in October 2014 and the consultation will help shape the new system. Responses must be submitted by April 22.
A second stage consultation on more detailed proposals will follow.
Under the existing ‘night flight quota’ Heathrow is allowed to land an average of 16 flights between 11.30pm and 6am each night.
View the consultation documents online at
Any enquiries should be sent to or by post to:
Night noise consultation
Department for Transport Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR
For information about Heathrow’s on going flight pattern trial (which does not affect night flights) visit
February 5, 2013