Autumn Programme of Talks September to December 2009
Monday 21 Sept |
Exploring a Roman Landscape in Brentford, an illustrated talkon recent excavations by Bob Cowie of Museum of London Archaeology |
Monday 19 October
Frost Fairs & False Teeth: life in 19th Century Brentford and Chiswick from contemporary British newspapers, an illustrated talk by Simon Francis who has been exploring these newly accessible sources |
Monday 16 November |
First World War memorials in Brentford and Chiswick, an illustrated talk by David Bright, a Hounslow Heritage guide who researched those named on the St Lawrence's memorial in advance of its re-location to Brentford Library |
Monday 21 December |
Christmas Meeting - Our usual annual get-together - small contributions of seasonal food to share will be very welcome, while drinks will be on sale in the bar. Our bookstall offers a chance for last-minute present buying and we’ll have jolly things to do with a local history theme.
The Society's talks usually take place on the third Monday of the month. We meet at the Chiswick Memorial Club, Afton House, Bourne Place, Chiswick W4, starting at 7.30pm. Remember that Afton House does not open until 7pm.
You may also be interested in the following events organised by others:
Tuesday 1 September - Express Tavern Kew Bridge Unveiling of Trafalgar Way plaques at 10.30am Bill White of the Trafalgar Way Trust gave us a talk about commemorating the bringing of the news of the victory at Trafalgar to London in 1805. Now two plaques are to be unveiled at the Express Tavern, one of which will commemorate the local men who fought in the Battle.
Saturday 19 September - 9.30am Re-dedication of St Lawrence’s war memorial, Brentford Troops from Hounslow Barracks will march from The Butts to a ceremony at about 10am in the grounds of Brentford Library. The memorial has been restored and this event marks its installation beside other rescued local war memorials.
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September -
(free) London Open House Buildings open this weekend are listed in a booklet available from libraries and also at Local highlights include:
• Boston Manor House, half-hourly tours, Sat & Sun 2–5pm
• Chiswick House, Sun 10–4.30, tours at 11am, 12 noon, 2pm, talk at 3.30pm
• Chiswick Town Hall, open Sun 1–5pm
• Gunnersbury Park Museum, Temple and Bath-house, open Sun 12 noon–4pm
• St Mary’s Convent, 10 The Butts, Brentford Sat 10–3.30, tours (approx 1 hr) at 10am, 12 noon, 2.30pm, places must be booked in advance on 020 8568 7305
• St Nicholas Church, Chiswick, Sun 1–6pm, church tours 2pm, 4pm, last entry 5.30
• Voysey House, Barley Mow Passage, W4, Sat 10am–5pm, and
• Guided walks through Bedford Park, (Sun 2–4pm – meet at Victorian Society, 1 Priory Gardens) and Old Chiswick (Sat 3.30–5pm – meet at George & Devonshire, Hogarth Roundabout)
Saturday 26 September 10am–4.30pm - Lateral Thinking: West Middlesex Family History Society Conference St Mary’s Church Hall, Twickenham. For tickets send a cheque for £9 made out to the Society with an SAE to Mrs K A Dudman, 119 Coldershaw Road, London W13 9DU
Thursday 19 November 7.30 pm - Grain, cash and prayers:¬ St Paul's Cathedral and its Manors in Chiswick, an illustrated lecture by James Wisdom at St Nicholas Church. Admission free to Friends of St Nicholas (whose event this is), otherwise tickets are £5 at the door.
21 November
10am-5pm Open Air London: Parks, Pleasure and Protest
44th LAMAS Local History Conference at the City of London School for Girls, in the Barbican. Talks on Woodlands and Commons, London Squares, Open Spaces as Places of Protest and Pleasure Gardens (full details at To obtain tickets (which include an afternoon cup of tea) send a cheque for £10, made out to LAMAS, with SAE to Local History Conference, 24 Orchard Close, Ruislip, Middx HA4 7LS
September 2, 2009