Introducing classes, sensory gardens and joys of being a ‘silver surfer’
Residents of local care homes have benefitted from a whole range of improvements thanks to a £175,000 grant from the Department of Health.
In total, 16 care homes had modernisation work, which included new furniture, flooring and carpets, new garden furniture and gazebos, new sensory equipment and music systems, and upgrades of rooms like kitchens, lounges and bathrooms.
The amount of money distributed to each home was based upon the number of residents living there, and other criteria.
St Mary’s Convent and Nursing Home in Chiswick used its money to build a multi-functional wooden cabin. The cabin will be used as a base for a range of activities, games and exercise classes. Around it, a sensory garden boasting colourful flowers and wind chimes has been introduced.
Maryville Care Home in Brentford, bought sensory equipments to go inside and outside the home, and computer equipment to help residents get on-line, learn some new skills and keep in touch with relatives via email.
July 29, 2008