Justine Greening MP to work against expansion of Heathrow

Heathrow Campaign launched by Local MP as Meeting with Minister agreed

Putney, Roehampton and Southfields MP Justine Greening has launched a campaign against Heathrow expansion planned by the government.  This summer the government plans to consult residents on building a third runway and also having all day flights.  It could mean that not just Putney, but areas such as Southfields and Roehampton have flights overhead all day, every day. 

Speaking about the consultation, Justine said:
"This latest proposal will really damage our quality of life locally, where ever you live in our constituency.  We'll have planes overhead all the time - no respite for the half the day any more.  Worse, if the third runway goes ahead it won't just be planes landing that we have overhead, it'll be planes taking off too.  They'll be flying over Putney, Roehampton and Southfields as they head out of Heathrow."

" What a nightmare and a disaster for the environment generally. Last year the government backed down in increasing night flights, and the more people who can get involved with my campaign, the more chance we have of make sure our concerns are listened to, and acted upon by the government.  If you can help me get leaflets out to residents telling them what's happening, or can do a petition or have a poster up, then get involved and get in touch by emailing me on greeningj@parliament.uk.  I'm starting campaigning early to make sure that everyone knows what's being planned and how to have their say."

The campaign comes as Ms Greening is due to meet with Aviation Minister Gillian Merron in February to discuss the near air accident over Putney in January 2006 to press for greater safety measures on planes landing at Heathrow.

February 7, 2007