Putney Diary of Cllr Lister

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Edward Lister is the Leader of Wandsworth Council and a member for Putney's Thamesfield ward.

Next Monday's public meeting at All Saints Church on Putney Common (October 28) will be a great opportunity for local people to find out just how a third Heathrow runway could affect them.

One of the big difficulties in getting to the bottom of the Department for Transport's proposals is the sheer weight of technical data accompanying the basic consultation document.

For example nowhere in the papers we've researched does it spell out just where the new flightpaths will run. This is almost certainly because all the current flightpaths will be have to be rethought - but it would have been more honest if the Government had come out and said this openly.

It's also clear that there is the potential for a huge increase in capacity at Gatwick - one new runway here and one at Stansted would make further expansion at Heathrow unnecessary. So why does the consultation not spell this out?

We've only got until November 30 to respond to the Government so Monday's public meeting will be vital in helping to gauge the reaction of those residents likely to be most affected by increased aircraft noise.

Later in the week (Friday) an equally fiery event will take place on the other side of Putney at Wandsworth Park. This of course is the council's free firework display which was such a success at this new venue last year.

With the fire service unions timing their strike to coincide with the fireworks season there's no safer place to enjoy the festivities than at a properly organised display.

The bonfire will be lit at 7.30pm - see you there!

Finally a new 'planning alert' service will I am sure be welcomed by Putney residents eager to keep track of proposed building changes in their area.

An online messaging system on the council's website means you can now be tipped off the minute a new planning application is submitted.

You will also be sent a web link taking you to the relevant pages of the council's planning register where you can inspect the scheme and add your comments.

To sign up for the service go to www.wandsworth.gov.uk/planning and follow the registration instructions.

We know just how keenly local people monitor new development in Putney - this is a fast and simple way to keep in touch with everything that's going on around you!


October 23 2002

Busy October 2002..........Cllr Lister's Diary .

Redevlopment of Roehampton Rec, the completion of Ashlone Wharf plus taking up the baton for a link between the Rail station & East Putney Tube........Cllr Lister's Diary .

Local impact of government housing policy, crime and news on Richmond Park...... Cllr Lister's Diary .

New Surgeries - a new ways to meet your councillor plus the Leader expresses his concerns over the news of gun crimes in Putney ..... Cllr Lister's Diary

Jubilee celebrations, the 3 star service offered by Social Services and name change for Lavatory Gardens ...Cllr Lister's Diary.

The state of the NHS in Putney and the fight against night flights ....Cllr Lister's Diary

Pedestrian saftey - especially around schools and Neighbourhood watch .... Cllr Lister's diary


Church cheer, wharf worries and Richmond Park relief - Cllr Lister's diary.

Cllr Lister speaks against the Dryburgh Rd plans, the threat of clsing Pen Ponds to traffic and litter.

The Postal Service, Richmond Park and Council Tax changes are all on Cllr Lister agenda.

Cllr Lister comments on the current planning furore, pigeon mess, cctv and policing.

Cllr Lister writes on Pensioners Freedom Passes, good news re Hotham School, development progress at Ashlone Wharf and aircraft noise from Heathrow Airport.

Recent visit to the Leisure Centre was less than enjoyable - see forum.

Cllr Lister writes on the new school for the area, housing development and Heathrow.

Cllr Lister writes on developments at the Putney School of Art & Design, The Leisure Centre and the excellent league results for local schools.

Tony Colman MP for Putney speaks about current local issues