Putney Film Buff Wins Blog Award

Charlie Lyne has been named as the top online movie commentator in Britain

Charlie’s blogging website www.ultraculture.co.uk has been included in The Bloggers Running Britain Survey of 2013 compiled by BloggingEdge.com

His blog has thousands of followers nationwide, who trust his regular advice and commentary on movie issues.

Blogging Edge editor Sarah Assenti says: “Charlie was just 16 when he started the now hugely successful UK film blog, Ultra Culture, in 2008. Five years on and the blog has grown but retained its biting wit and opinionated film reviews. Along with his thousands of readers, we love Charile’s irreverent commentary and kooky off-tangent topics, such as Grantwatch, an unfailing dedication to the films of everyone’s favourite British film luvvie, Hugh Grant.”

The full list of Britain’s top bloggers can be seen at BloggingEdge.com/bloggers-running-britain/

March 20, 2013