What happened in Putney October 2004?

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What happened in Putney during October 2004?

All these items appeared in our weekly newsletters during this month - if you like to receive it click here

* Police seek missing three year old child *
Rossi Matuvova has not been seen since arriving in the country at Heathrow airport last month

* Frustration & discontent among tennis members of the Bank of England Club *
as LTA deal leaves club short of two hard courts

* Incident at Putney Mainline Station *

* 30% of South West Trains arrive late *
Expensive ad campaign can't mask poor performance

* Life sentences for two Putney Men *
for the murder of Security Guard Robert Wilson

* Police optimistic missing three year old found *
Rossi Matuvova possibly has been traced in Geneva

* Tickets to be issued for inconsiderate parking *
as Council uses new powers

* Henny Penny the world is falling on my head! *
Lynne Featherstone tells how her parking investigation for the GLA has stirred up a major hoo-ha

* HACAN & Wandsworth Council join forces *
with a Public Meeting to discuss Nigh Flights

* Back in Putney from the Party Conference *
with his news & views including the issue of Robin Hood Gate

* '100 flights before breakfast' warns Council *
Planned changes to aircraft noise controls could lead to a trebling of the numbers of early morning flights

* Massive transport investment plan revealed*
But no money at this stage for West London Tram

* Mayor's plans don't include Wandsworth *
Council response to Ken's Investment in Transport

* Work Permits for Children *
in attempt to stop exploitation

* French Market comes to Putney *
for two weekends before Christmas

* Terror at Putney Common Tennis Courts *
as teenage youths intimidate younger children

* Councillor Lister talks to Putney *
on action against intimidation by groups of youths and a reminder of a date for your diary if you are against more flights over Putney.

* Register to vote *
don't miss out on your right to vote in 2005

Something missing?

If you feel there is a aspect of local life that we haven't given sufficient coverage to, let us know. Most of the articles listed above were not written by us but contributed by local people.

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