A friend in Isleworth had a water meter fitted tears ago. She lives alone. Her water bills were through the roof. She was years trying to get Thames Water to sort it out. They sent out various engineers, who all sang from the same hymn sheet, there was a leak in her front garden. One, palmed her off by saying that, T W had all sorts of gadgets to detect leaks and he would get it arranged that they visited the property. Eventually, she got an engineer, who, when my friend told him of the gadgets the previous engineer spoke about, assured her, they had not, nor never there been, such instruments in existence, to do what she was told. In other words, the engineer told a porkie. Upon inspection, she was reassured that he would go back to base and get the situation sorted. This he did. She was over a couple of grand in credit, which was reimbursed. Another friend in Bury St Edmonds, had utility meters installed, & they did not work correctly either. She discovered this when her son, read the actual gas and electrical meters.
Elizabeth Whittington ● 5d