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I worked for LBH when Dave Wetzel was the leader.  It was hilarious hearing all the chief officers freaking out about the lefties" getting in.  When they found out he was going to be at the Civic Centre during the day as well as evening meetings they suddenly stopped going for their 3 hour lunches.  I was just a lowly admin So1 sharing an office with the Chief Execs PA. I was doing lots of community meetings on equaiies and going local so I had a selection of posters up on various issues.  My office colleague found it all qite amusing and told me one day that ouroffice was now being referred to as the"revolutionary Cell" by our boss on the basis that Dave Wetzelcould often be found in with us talking about how a previous nights meeting went and laughing at my daft jokes. I still have two little hand made pots Dave and Heather gave me for my birthday after one of their Morroco trips. I will also never forget that camper van with the dodgy suspension.  Yes I also remember the bridge sign I used to giggle every time I saw it as I knew the stories that went with it. I will miss bumping into him at things around the borough when I can get out again but the good memories and big roaring laughs will see me through. Venessa is right he had no side to him it is impossible to have side when you know what you are saying and doing is in everyones interest he jsut said what he wantd to politely and often kindley.Everyone knew what he thought of them beause he would tell you.

Caroline Carney ● 61d