Why traders overestimate importance of cars
This is a good study from Berlin and the article links to other studies from around the world that came to similar conclusions.
https://www.rifs-potsdam.de/en/news/shoppers-mobility-habits-retailers-overestimate-car-useRetailers in the cities surveyed overestimated the share of customers who come by car – so too in Berlin, where retailers estimated that 22 per cent of their customers used this mode of transport, when in fact it was only 7 per cent.This misperception could be due to a human tendency to assume that others behaviour in a similar manner. The survey revealed that traders who drive to their business estimated much higher customer car use (29%) than traders that use other modes of transport (between 10% and 19%). Traders were also found to overestimate the distance that customers travel to visit their businesses. In fact, over half (51%) of the shoppers surveyed lived less than 1 kilometer from the shopping street. In contrast, traders estimated that just 13% of customers live within this range.
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