St Nicholas, chiswick parish church, is looking for ringers to learn this wonderfully English pastime, with a warm and friendly bunch of people.We are the only church in Chiswick with a peal of 8 bells that are rung in the traditional way.Some of the bells were installed during the reformation, paid for by Lady Fauconberg, daughter of Oliver Cromwell, and still sounding wonderful.All ages, men women boys and girls, bring your friends, its not necessary to be a member of any church or denomination, all are very welcome.At another local church there are some 10 & 11 year olds having a good time. One of the most experienced ringers I know rings from a wheelchair, and has done so all over the country.Both Surrey and Middlesex counties have very active ringing schedules, and young people are well represented in both counties.Its safe, only in carry on films do ringers disappear up into the rafters, there's plenty of learning support especially on line, and progress is entirely at your own pace.We usually practice Monday evenings 7.30 - 9'ish and before service on Sunday 10.00 - 10.30.Drop me a line to: AnthonyTower Captain and Steeple Keeper [means I look after maintenance of the bells]
Bernie Rands ● 82d1 Comments