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Can you predict which day the Autumn leaves are going to fall most heavily and on which streets?  There should be some retained knowledge of particular areas which have the heaviest leaf falls and where the leaves tend to collect in drifts but it does vary making it more difficult to schedule.  Just look at how the weather forecasts can be completely wrong and a change in wind direction can take the leaves in another direction into a different street!  Sometimes I see a leaf or two and wonder where the nearest tree of that particular species is when none are visible nearby.In other countries residents would be expected to take more action themselves and many Councils here make bags available for residents to speed up and aid the collection.Slippery wet and decomposing leaves and a thick layer that hide where the kerb is are obviously more hazardous for those who are less sure of foot but so are rocking and cracked paving stones and dislodged kerbstones often caused by motor vehicles being driven over kerbs.  It would be good if more people called out and reported drivers for this and pavement damage as well as reported particularly thick leaf fall to the Councils and/or asked for street leaf collection bags if fit and willing to bag some of the leaves.We don't want the ongoing cost of maintaining the much admired and beautiful and necessary trees and leaf collection to become a cost-cutting excuse to lose them.  Already we have enough of a crisis with climate change and loss biodiversity.

Philippa Bond ● 99d