Mainly 17.18.19th century
Iris Hill ● 107d9 Comments
It wasn't me Mark it was a random House in Frimley Green near Camberley where he asked the police to stop because he was bursting for a number two. Better than his Russian military uniform story.😁
N V Brooks ● 107d
Somewhat risky while he's sat on the pan Nigel , couldn't you have waited till he'd washed his hands. 😂
Mark Frost ● 107d
The "can you sign this for me Rick?" Tale of the LP pushed under the toilet door while being "detained" is still my favourite.
You can e-mail me if you wish Iris (if I may).nvbrooks@btinternet.comThank you so much
Indeed, and he does tell a good tale as well.
I tried to dm you NV Brooks but this site does not seem to let you do this anymore. You are very welcome to have them. How can we communicate without putting personal details on line?
Iris Hill ● 107d
I went to school with Rick Wakeman and his keyboard skills rival many,other, classically trained keyboard genii/ geniuses. Lovely guy as well.
Do they go on bit Nigel, with their endless rambling solos? You want to wean them off that and sharpen them up with some Scarlatti.
I will, if they have not already gone, gladly take these and pass on to our church 'silver surfers' group. Many appreciate classical music but we have those who come with a heavy metal / prog rock 'legacy' 😄