Mixed News for High Road's Mystery Restaurant
I read this article with interest yesterday and note there were objections. My advice to anyone wjho believes their peace will be disturbed is to object NOW and strongly. My neigbours and I, at the other end of the High Road, have learnt the hard way: we have had five and half years of disturbance from a restaurant, during which they have:- Been given an abatement notice (inadequately enforced)- Had limiters installed by force (then broken off twice by the management - no penalty for the restaurant)- Operated without a licence at all for several months, which led to a public hearing to reapply (this was covered on this website) at which the council's legal representative approved a restriction that was actually not enforceable in law and had to be rescinded. The restaurant was granted a full licence, depsite considerable evidence of disturbance to 13 residents in attendanceThe Licensing team has promised, then failed to follow up, surveillance, spot checks and penalties. Only just in the lst two weeks they have approved late licences on Sundays, not willing to listen to the fact we have a nurse, a child and school teachers all deprived of sleep. Beware those of you thinking that you can 'wait and see' what happens with this new business. This could happen to you. Object to LBH.
Antony Smith ● 118d22 Comments