In my view the closure of the recycling area was much to do with the disgraceful way some members of the public treated them."Recycling Bin contamination" ...(where objects are thrown into the wrong bin messing up the purity of the bin's contents)must have been a headache ...together with the mess around the bins which the Sainsburys staff had to deal with each morning.Exactly the same closures happened in Chiswick's neighbour ... Brentford.The old Homebase site closed for that reason. So too the old Morrison's (thank you the Brentford flytipper with his decorating rubbish ... see Google's report)and finally the wonderful recycling centre at Tesco's Osterley.Behind the scenes ... I think recycling is a farce and not practicle ... because of the FEW.Are you, readers, one of them?
Jim Lawes ● 146d