In the early 1970s... the Cornish Wafer biscuit company decided to run a "sales promotion" that offered an elegant oil lamp (with a globe) for about £8 together with a coupon cut off from the biscuit packet.The Biscuit company ordered 5000 lamps (from Heath's in Birmingham) thinking that would be sufficient.In the event the "3 day week"calamity occurred with the Electicity workers' strike. The country suffered gloom!The Sales Promotion exploded with over 50,000 orders. The Ealing handling company couldn't cope with the deluge of cheques,postal orders and queries.Heaths couldn't produce more oil lamps quickly ... it was all a big headache for my Employer.However, candles and Oil Lamps became very popular at that time.Be prepared for the next black-out!
Jim Lawes ● 156d