From the BBC -"France’s interior minister, Gerald Darmanin, spoke of it on Tuesday at the harbour in Boulogne. He did condemn the smugglers, but most of his comments focused on the lure of what he views as Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that they if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water - or even half way across - they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork."What they are saying is that to stop the boats we would need to change our own working practices - in short, issue identity cards to all people in the UK, without which people could not work legally. I recall that the last Labour government considered the idea of ID cards but there was a popular backlash against the idea as being non-British. Don't be surprised if Starmer now decides that ID cards are a good idea.
Richard Greenhough ● 172d