Why is it that both you and Mr. Pavey are so adept at personal insults? I am quite happy to have a sensible and reasoned debate (sorry - open my 'big mouth'!) with anyone, is this just a teeny hint of misogyny creeping in? For information I read two daily newspapers the 'i' and The Mirror - oh dear both tabloids, but on Sunday it's The Sunday Times and The Observer and Mirror, also I subscribe to 'Private Eye'. I make no secret of the fact that my political support is by and large with the Labour party. However, even when a member there were things that I could not agree with - let alone support. I have not voted Labour in the last two local elections because I doubt the commitment and understanding of local politics and Labour party principles that has been on display. But, where the new government is concerned I do broadly agree with their plans. I think the withdrawal of the Fuel Allowance except for the people that qualify for it was bound to be unpopular, but there are also many of us this affects who realise that younger people are finding things difficult too, so really we all need to think about how any government money is raised and distributed. There are a considerable number of pensioners who chose to move abroad to warmer countries, why should they get a fuel allowance? Also many with a decent private pension who will admit they really do not rely on it. Not all retired people are sitting huddled round a couple of sticks wrapped in a shawl. The thing now is to ensure all those that do qualify for Pension Credit claim what they are entitled to, and also understand this is NOT charity and there are many more benefits that are on offer once you qualify for this one. Better still, a good hard root and branch review that brings state pension into line with other countries would allow everyone to pay their way without the complications of extra form filling. I am sure that the government will p*ss me off at some stage - that's life, but after 14 years of graft, lies, cronyism and sheer chaos, I am so glad this household voted Labour last month.
Vanessa Smith ● 182d