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Richmond Park London Duathlon cancelled amid safety fears over speeding cyclists

The Royal Parks charity has grown increasingly concerned about cyclists’ behaviour after an inquest in May into the death of Hilda Griffiths, 81, a retired teacher who was killed in Regent’s Park, north London, after being struck by a cyclist doing timed laps of the park in 2022.The “full duathlon” course consisted of a 20km run, 77km bike ride then another 10km run. But organisers have been told by park officials that the event cannot go ahead as planned on September 8.Announcing the cancellation, the organisers said: “There have been a number of unforeseen factors this year that have led to this difficult decision, particularly in relation to the operational complexity of producing a multi-sport event.“This includes an increased focus on the security and logistics of cycling events in public spaces which creates significant operational challenges. Our team has been working hard to explore all available options in recent weeks, but we have concluded that we can’t make the event work this year.”In a statement concerning the duathlon, the charity said: “A range of factors, including significant operational challenges, have meant that the London Duathlon will not be going ahead in Richmond Park this year. We will work closely with potential event organisers to determine the future of the event.”In June, two smaller club-organised time-trial events were cancelled over fears riders would break the park’s 20mph speed limit. At the time, the charity said it was “pausing” such events while it reviewed its position on such events.The Richmond Park Time Trials, organised by the London Dynamo cycling club and first held in 2009, provided the only opportunity for cyclists to race against the clock in one of the capital’s royal parks, according to, a bike news website.The organisers argued that the time trials “pose no harm to anyone” given their 6am start time, when there are few pedestrians and the park is closed to motor vehicles. They added that any alternative routes comprise “mostly busy roads and fast-moving cars”.Organisers of the duathlon said they do not know if the event will be able to go ahead next year.The inquest into Griffiths’s death heard that vehicular speed limits did not apply to bicycles and a police review found that “there were no criminal acts which would allow prosecution” for cyclists who exceed speed limits. Griffiths was killed by Brian Fitzgerald, a director at Credit Suisse, who was cycling at 29mph in the park at the time of the accident.The incident happened six years after the death of Kim Briggs, a 44-year-old mother of two who died a week after suffering “catastrophic” head injuries from being hit by a cyclist in east London in 2016. Charlie Alliston, 20, who was cycling at 18mph on a bike with no front brakes, was cleared by a jury of manslaughter, which would have carried a life sentence.He was found guilty of causing bodily harm by wanton and furious driving, a crime under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. Had Alliston been driving a car at the time of the collision, he could have been prosecuted for causing death by dangerous driving and given a sentence of up to 14 years in prison.Griffiths’s inquest reignited calls to change the law so that causing death or serious injury by “dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling” is punishable at the same level as when the offences are committed by motorists.

Michael Good ● 60d99 Comments

I would say that richmond park have taken this action as said above to cover ones own back if something was to happen.At the end of the day its going to be the ones that cycle in a manner that not only and possibly gets events cancelled but possibly a some kind of park ban.Here are some police answersCan a cyclist commit dangerous driving?A cyclist can commit the offence of dangerous cycling as opposed to dangerous driving. The test to determine dangerous cycling is the same as to determine dangerous driving.A person is to be regarded as cycling dangerously if the way he rides falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful cyclist, and it would be obvious to a competent and careful cyclist that cycling in that way would be dangerous. Dangerous refers to danger of injury to any person, or serious damage to property.When determining what would be obvious to a competent and careful cyclist regard shall be given not only to the circumstances which he could be expected to be aware but also to any circumstances shown to have been within the knowledge of the accused.Can cyclists be prosecuted for drink driving on a pedal cycle?Yes, it is an offence to ride a pedal cycle on a road or other public place whilst being unfit through drink or drugs, basically so as to be so under the influence of drink or drugs that the person does not have proper control of the pedal cycle.Is it illegal to ride a pedal cycle on the footpath / footway / pavement?It is an offence to ride a pedal cycle intentionally on a pavement i.e. a footpath set apart for use by pedestrians. A penalty ticket may be issued with a fine.Can I use a mobile phone whilst cycling?Using a hand held mobile phone whilst cycling is not illegal per se. However, you could commit an offence of careless cycling. It is also not advisable for the obvious safety reasons.Electrically assisted pedal cycles advertised are they legal to use on the roads without insurance etc?An Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycle (EAPC) must:Have pedals that can be used to propel it.Have two or more wheels – can be a tricycle or quadricycle.Have an electric motor not exceeding 250 watts that can't propel the bike when it's travelling at more than 15.5mph.Have plate showing the:- Manufacturer's name- Battery voltage and output of the motorOr, be marked with the:- Manufacturer's name- Maximum speed in mph or kph- Power of the motor in watts or kilowattsI have been injured by a cyclist who was riding dangerously and/or carelessly. Can I report this to the Police?Cyclists are required by law to act responsibly. It is a criminal offence to ride a cycle either dangerously or without due care and attention whilst on a road. It is also a criminal offence to ride a cycle in a public place or road whilst unfit through drink or drugs.If you witness anyone you believe to be riding a cycle in contravention of these laws then you can report the matter to your local Police.If you have been injured due to the misconduct of a cyclist then they may be guilty of a separate offence of causing injury by 'wanton or furious driving'.

Julian Pavey ● 54d

The relevant 'rules'.66You should    avoid any actions that could reduce your control of your cycle    be considerate of the needs of other road users when riding in groups. You can ride two abreast and it can be safer to do so, particularly in larger groups or when accompanying children or less experienced riders. Be aware of drivers behind you and allow them to overtake (for example, by moving into single file or stopping) when you feel it is safe to let them do so    not ride close behind another vehicle in case it stops suddenly    not carry anything which will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your wheels or chain    be considerate of other road users, particularly blind and partially sighted pedestrians, and horse riders (see Rule H1). Let them know you are there when necessary, for example, by calling out or ringing your bell if you have one. It is recommended that a bell be fitted.69You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD Schedule 3 pt 3, sch7 pt4, sch9 pts 4 and 6, sch 13 pt 6, sch 14 pt 2213​On narrow sections of road, on quiet roads or streets, at road junctions and in slower-moving traffic, cyclists may sometimes ride in the centre of the lane, rather than towards the side of the road. It can be safer for groups of cyclists to ride two abreast in these situations. Allow them to do so for their own safety, to ensure they can see and be seen. Cyclists are also advised to ride at least a door’s width or 1 metre from parked cars for their own safety.On narrow sections of road, horse riders may ride in the centre of the lane. Allow them to do so for their own safety to ensure they can see and be seen.Motorcyclists, cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles may suddenly need to avoid uneven road surfaces and obstacles such as drain covers or oily, wet or icy patches on the road. Give them plenty of room and pay particular attention to any sudden change of direction they may have to make.This is verbatim from The Highway Code.

N V Brooks ● 55d