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Hi Mark,I just went through TfL's collision statistics from 2020-2024 on the Hogarth Roundabout and there were nine over that period, eight of them 'slight', between motorbikes and cars. Police were present on only four out of those nine occasions. In one police report the location makes no sense ('Hogarth Roundabout, Junction of Devonshire Road and Burlington Lane'), so it is hard to judge from this about the impact of road layouts. The rest were self-reported. with minimal detail, of which the only 'Serious' collision had no detail at all except that it happened on Saturday 6th May, 2023, at 4pm when road conditions were wet due to rain. Apparently it happened at the junction of Hogarth Roundabout and Dorchester Grove. All other collisions (eight over four years, half self-reported) were thankfully 'Slight' and so not as worrying at one might think at first. Although of course any collision is an unhappy experience. I do think we need some balance here, when deciding whether or how to act on such statistics. It's not just the cost of major public works like those TfL plan, but also the huge inconvenience to road users whose journeys are already lengthened by Hammersmith Bridge's closure and other road works on the A4. Then there is the potential harm of difficulties faced by emergency vehicles in accessing sick residents in Old Chiswick, or even the indignity of a wedding procession or funeral cortege queuing up to access TfL's proposed sharp and narrow turn off the Hogarth Roundabout past the George & Devonshire into Church Street (let's hope that plan works, apparently they'll be testing it with an ambulance this Friday night). Nightmare all around, causing potentially dangerous congestion.

Tracey Logan ● 194d