Instant, efficient and verified for non-British passport. Cannot recommend more highly.
Charlotte Kasner ● 196d8 Comments
I used the Post Office's check and send service once and my application was still rejected due to the photo used. It is a very good idea to get passport photos done professionally if you don't what a complete nightmare with renewal. As has been pointed out, Snappy Snaps doesn't charge much more than a photo booth.
Felicity Caborn ● 123d
Yes - I ve been going there for years.Delightd to see they ve been given a shout out on our local platform.
Anna Kirkpatrick ● 126d
I use them for other services and find them a friendly, proactive team, always a pleasure to use them and pop in.
Jackie Elton ● 189d
And with the Chiswick calendar card you get a 10% reduction.
Stewart Jones ● 194d
Used them a couple months ago for my sons passport. I agree very efficient service and not too costly.
Paul Jennings ● 194d
I thought that too when I used them for my last passport. Very helpful and explained everything they were doing.
Nora Watkins ● 194d
Agreed. Doesn't cost that much more than using a photo machine and it helps to have a human to look over the picture taken to make sure it is compliant with Passport Office requirements.
Mark Evans ● 194d
yesexcellent service
John Kennedy ● 196d