So what? The law is the law.You (from memory) advocate breaking speed limits (in particular 20 mph speed limits), you are a self-confessed law breaker, and yet you have a concern/obsession about cyclists going through red lights.Yes, of course there is a chance of a cyclist killing someone after going through a red light. It's particularly small, but yes, I agree there is a chance. There is also a chance of a cyclist killing someone without any co-timed red light offence.The likelihood of someone being killed by a cycle is massively smaller than that of someone being killed by a car, regardless of whether there is a co-times red light offence.You advocate the prosecution of cyclists while condoning the law breaking by drivers exceeding the speed limit, even though there is unrefutable evidence that excess speed when a collision occurs considerably increases the risk of death/serious injury.I have no issue with cyclists being targeted to get them to improve their adherence and compliance with the laws, but you are a car-brain hypocrite as far as your attitude to obeyance of the law goes.
Andrew Jones ● 203d