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I have done far more than a quick google.  I have been involved in fighting fascism since the 1970's and was involved in various groups monitoring and counter demonstration.  I cannot give you some of my contacts as they would be exposed and unable to do what they do which is vital to prevent the violence escalating in communities who have never experienced it. But I can say join Hope not Hate and get regular updates and you will have all the evidence. I  you need.  Check out other groups and local ones too and you will have the evidence you need. I can say there is quite a lot of info about the rights future plans for demonstrations against the Muslim community in particular following their ridiculous notion that all men who groom children are Muslims. They are working with the right in the Jewish community supporting the Israeli governments slaughter of Palestinians so watch the national peace and ceasefire demo's.  It is all very flashy and organised and not at all like the 1970's.  One small joy yesterday was 3 fascists turned up to demonstrate in Doncaster and went home again due to their small number.  The money was given to Fox, Farage, Tice etc for election and since check out donors to MPs on Theyworkforyou website.  Don't just Google the AI and algorithm will send you to some very middle of the rod business instead.  Re Word searches and search within sites.  But be careful of links as you can pick up some seriously bad virus's do it with a VPN

Caroline Carney ● 76d

As ive said, you have to understand and listen as not all are fascists. Take Hull,a peaceful demonstration in the town centre attended by locals including children, but a group from the left turned up and a group from the right turned up with the police standing in the middle and eventually hell broke out and the idiots started attacking the police. Liverpool had a peaceful protest in the daytime by locals demanding safety for children and action against the boats and the left turned with banners and shouting fascists go home and that included holding a huge Russian Hammer and sickle flag. Later on, that turned out to be rioting by others. Bristol, fighting between the left and the right and police trying to contain it in a large area with riot police, dogs and horses. The rioting against police and communities from the fascists must not happen and be tolerated. But that's not the issue with the majority who are going out protesting peacefully and in some cases hijacked. You can't solve something that's been baking in the oven over time and is in the early stages of erupting on a mass scale across the country by just labelling people and telling the police what powers and extra powers they have and can have and fast-tracking people to court. The government needs to understand the lying issues and talk about them and where possible deal with those issues. If governments don't act with the underlying issues it can only get worse. And that might not just be those who have taken to the streets so far. The fear is isolated incidents at any given time. Of that, the government has to act. The past government has failed so now it is down to this government. Don't forget, you have to add in the thought of two-tier policing. That is noted as many feel that it just can't be ignored going forward. What i can safely say is online false accusations do not help but I'm not sure how you can combat that.People want to be listened to and where needed action and that includes local level and politicians responding to people be it by email or letters with concerns when theyget contacted. As to the PM, he's already labelled and the home secretary needs to start talking about immigration as this is the bottom line to much that is going on. And it is not a concern by just those out on the streets but a bigger majority who work and act like normal citizens. And the home secretary needs to look into this two-tier policing as clear acts of this have happened over months gone by. And it's an issue as too many people see it as an issue. It is that simple At the end of the day, people want more rhetoric and where possible action to deal with the issues that are growing. Not staunch shock facial expressions of rhetoric as the answer to all that's gone and possibly coming. Lastly, people with a voice need to be more careful given what's happened with one's own choice of words as that just fuels not only agreement but by some, anger.

Julian Pavey ● 76d

Nope, you have to look elsewhere instead of the mainstream media to understand what people are thinking. Did the mainstream media play Starmer visiting the tragedy in Southport with the heckling? Nope It's okay to have a view about a group but you have to understand what people are saying and thinking in that group rather than labelling people and labelling the views in 2 short sentences which many will say they can, I think its more complicated than that. I get the thought the media are just calling everyone right-wing fascists. Well, that's going to help things. I see videos from Whitehall where audio picks up police conversations and tactics, and it is not great from a policing point of view when those you are tackling get to view and hear it afterwards. Including a chief inspector antagonising some by thanking and bragging about a pay rise from your money, and a policeman punching a guy 7 times in the head and a knee to the stomach. Do you think that helps things in the future? Nope just label everyone right-wing fascists 2 tier policing is a big issue with these people. But I'm not going to call everyone right-wing fascists because while some are, not all are. But you just proved my point paul,Darren Grimes? Like Farage for instance. That's not getting deep down to the point. This is what I watched and it gives you a better idea and about starmers speech and what they think and more. I guess someone will pop up now and call me right-wing for having found and watched this video. That's the idiotic place we now find ourselves in. A short narrative to a problem that can only get worse.

Julian Pavey ● 77d

“ Refugees and children of refugees can experience significant mental health issues due to a number of factors, including trauma, isolation, and stressors:TraumaRefugees may experience deep trauma from conflict, violence, danger, exploitation, and loss.IsolationRefugee children may experience feelings of loneliness, loss of social support, and discrimination.StressorsRefugee children may experience stressors during pre-migration, migration, and in their destination country. The House of Commons LibraryRefugee mental health and the response to the humanitarian crisis ...7 Jul 2022 — Evidence shows refugees are often deeply traumatised and may have significant me...Royal College of PsychiatristsAsylum seeker and refugee mental health | Royal College of PsychiatristsNational Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)Refugee and Migrant Children’s Mental Healthcare - NCBI22 Aug 2020 — Introduction and background. An alarming number of children travel with family ...The National Child Traumatic Stress Network |About Refugees | The National Child Traumatic Stress NetworkIsolation Stress * Feelings of loneliness and loss of social support network. * Discrimin...PTSD UKPTSD in refugees and asylum seekers - PTSD UKStudies have shown that upward of 40% of refugees, and as many as 90% of refugee children,Some studies estimate that up to 80% of refugees and asylum seekers may have mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD UK estimates that up to 90% of refugee children may have PTSD. However, refugees and asylum seekers are also less likely to receive support than the general population. “

Steve Taylor ● 79d

The notion that this group of marauding Neanderthals some how express some kind of unspoken consensus is a very profound insult to the people of this country. That such individuals are more prevalent in the north or the Midlands is also an unwarranted slur on those areas. We have such scum in our midst here in Chiswick.They have been periodically causing trouble outside Mosques and refugee centres and hotels that house asylum seekers for quite some time stoked up by Facebook groups dedicated to confirming their prejudices.The Southport atrocity coincided with the end of the Euros and hot weather than enabled extended outdoor drinking to create a perfect storm which resulted in a large group of them descending on a town in mourning supplemented by bored local youths wanting to have some fun. If you believe that they in anyway represent any point of view you would wish to be associated with then you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.That they have any sort of manifesto it is that immigrants are coming to this country and are responsible for a huge proportion of crime that is taking place. This is a narrative pushed by people like Farage, no doubt amplified through Facebook by bad actors and widely shared by those to whose prejudices it appeals. Trump is doing exactly the same in the US by his constant reference to 'Migrant Crime'.The reality is that study after study in both the US and the UK shows than immigrants are less likely to commit crime than the native born population. The US has actually seen a drop in crime along with a surge in immigration. As in the US, social media is being bombarded with posts about crimes committed by migrants often with important context left out, which are then widely shared to stoke up hatred.As the people who choose to believe these distortions are unlikely to read the research on this matter or look at the data, the following might make them reconsider.Let's just assume that as a result of the heinous crimes of Dennis Neilsen, Facebook groups started to be set up about the risks presented to us all by people called Dennis. Every time someone called Dennis was convicted of a crime then this was highlighted and Nigel Farage told everyone how shocked, but not surprised by what this Dennis had done. Demands would be made for all people called Dennis to be expelled from the country and angry mobs would turn up at their homes throwing bricks at their windows and assaulting police officers trying to stop them.People from the Dennis community would argue that they were not all criminals and there were many of that name who had become doctors or had other jobs in the health service. Snowflake liberals would point out that Dennises such as Compton, Norwood, Skinner and Taylor had made there own contribution to society and economists would point out that without Dennises we would have skill shortages in key sectors which would hamper economic growth and make us all poorer. Despite this there would be people that would remain convinced that Dennises were going to rape and murder their daughters, were responsible for them having to wait for an operation and not being able to get a hospital appointment. They might witter on about lack of representation and a society that does nothing for them but the simple fact of the matter is that they hate people called Dennis.

Jeremy Parkinson ● 79d