It was a rhetorical question Steve. You said you were prepared to pay any speeding fines you get … well it’s pretty academic whether you are prepared to or not, because if you didn’t pay, you would get penalised in another way once you’d refused to pay the fine.You say you’re prepared to pay the fines because when you do (knowingly) speed you don’t think you’ll get caught.Some motorists (and there are plenty of them) drive through amber signals illegally ( and before anyone says it, yes I know there are situations when driving through amber signals isn’t illegal) because they can be pretty confident they won’t get done for it, even though they are acting illegally.I’ve done this myself occasionally - no camera, no other traffic, cyclists, pedestrians etc. in the vicinity, and even though I could stop in time (with no risk of causing an accident) I choose to carry on through an amber signal illegally. If I thought I’d be stopped for it, I would have complied.
Andrew Jones ● 218d